Monday, February 28, 2005 

Over and over and over again...

I've got that damn pop-country song stuck in my head now. It's driving me all kinds of crazy!

So my boss is making my last day here kinda miserable. So far I've run around to help two people with inane problems that she could have fixed over the phone, then I had set up her new bookshelf and now I'm filing papers. Fun fun.

And on top of that, I'm still sniffling so I don't want to have any coffee and I really shouldn't have a cigarette. Of course, now I'm craving both incredibly.

The cold I had has left me still feeling like crap. No more sore throat but my lungs hurt when I cough and I'm still blowing snot out my nose like it was Niagra Falls.

I had some orange juice this morning and I think it may have helped, but those G & Ts at the bar last night did not.


The weekend itself was pretty eventless. I watched three movies on Saturday and three movies on Sunday with the girlfriend while I tried to get the last of my papers graded for my "teaching little kids how to read" job.

We watched, "Wicker Park," which was actually a really well put together movie. I just wish that movies would stop trying to make themselves seem intelligent by using Shakespeare as a device. "Ray" was an amazing film. Watch it. "Anchorman" kinda sucked. It was a movie of funny moments. "Bourne Supremacy" was good, but I'd seen it before. "I (heart) Huckabees" was amazing. I loved this movie with a passion. Mostly because I can see Ahniwa and I writing know, had it not already been written. Honestly, I'd like to set up an existential detective agency. And "Sky Captain and the Word of Tomorrow" was a visually stunning movie with a GREAT 1930's feel to it. I liked the acting and the effects, but the plot left a little something to be desired. Good effort though.

Who knew that emotional support was so necessary in the workplace? Not me. It's weird that when my boss is not here, not only do I get more work done, but I usually do a better job and then have time to goof off afterward. When she's here, nitpicking over my shoulder, I get nothing done and the work I do is shoddy.


Over the last week I've realized that Evergreen socially trained me in a few very interesting ways. The first one is my view of marriage. I know that I'm in line with many people my age when I say that I don't find getting married a very high priority on my list. In order to have kids, sure it's what I'm gonna do, but as far as a deep meaningful relationship is concerned, it doesn't seem that important to me.

Within the context of marriage, I had just pretty much given up on the idea that any girl I marry would take my last name. I just figured that modern girls didn't do that.

I was talking with the girlfriend last weekend and she said a few interesting things that kinda shocked me. She has been married before, so that must be taken into consideration. But she said that she saw not taking the name of your spouse as being disrespectful.

I was stunned.

I didn't think that I would ever meet a girl who thought like that. Ever. ESPECIALLY not in Olympia!

At the time she said this I just kinda smiled and the subject moved on. It's just a point of view that I had forgotten existed.

Every oldest male on my dad's side of the family has the middle name Alexander and I'm willing to fight my spouse on this point because it's part of family tradition, but honestly, whether or not she takes my last name is a matter of complete indifference to me. I'm not changing my name, so I don't think she should be forced to change hers.

Or, of course, like spies we could change BOTH our names. First and last. That way nobody would know who we were. That could be fun.


Uncheck, "Display PDF in Browser" option


Yvonne from Programmer's Paradise called with a quote for you on a program you requested. You weren't in so I took her number. When you get back from lunch give me a call and I'll give you her number.


My nose is so incredibly chapped right now I can't even tell you. I think my chapped nose is what's making me so schizo today.

And I have that damn Greenday song, the new one, stuck in my head. I wish popular people would stop singing about being outcasts. When you're cool, everyone loves you. Especially if you do drugs.


Oopp, boss is back. Gotta go.


Friday, February 25, 2005 

Waffles and BACON!

Oh, those crazy Israeli Star Trek fans.

There really is nothing like calling in sick. There really isn't.

For some reason I played poker with the guys last night, even though I felt like crap. At midnight I e-mailed my boss and said, nope, no way in hell am I comin' in. And it was a good call on my part.

Now I'm sitting on the couch watching Comedy Central with Tim.

Tim's quote of the day, "Dude, that midget got a hottie!"

I don't really have anything else to say here right now. If I think of anything else to talk about, I'll post again.


Thursday, February 24, 2005 


Down in the referereerrreerrs list on the lower right of my blog, I get some pretty weird refererrereerrs. Like this one. I've been trying to figure out what the hell. I mean, Ahniwa's blog has given me 79 hits in the last 24 hours. Although that's impossible. But whatever.

Anyway, the meeting with the French student went well. Gonna be doin' that on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

And I get to actually START my new job on the 1st of March. Or Tuesday, for those of you who don't care.

Anyway, I hacked Ahniwa's computer (with a USB cable and my mp3 player). Now I have some of his music. HAHAHAHAHA!

Anyway, Natasha Bedingfield has some AWESOME pseudo-intellectual-post-post-ironic-hip-hop-pop. I'm diggin' it all happy hard core style.

And I'm also ragin' some french rap and happy-house music. Gotta have something fun for this incredible bout of sunshine we be sportin'.

I hope y'all have a fnac-tastic evening and I'll catch y'all before the sun rises.



Slip her a little tongue and she will thank you forever

Most of the time MSN Messenger has limited offerings as far as their daily dose of news and fun is concerned. But today was different.

10 ways to kiss better.

Technically it says, "...kiss HIM better," but I think it works both ways. Women just tend to care more.

It's nice to know that my secrets are now published on a crappy msn site run by a thousand evil space monkies. Can you imagine? CAN YOU?!!?




Well, the Pope is back in the hospital, the Jackson jury has been chosen and American Idol is on its way to ending an amazing season of inanity. What an amazing day.

I'm stuck here at the school until at least 1:30pm today because I have a meeting with a new French student who wants some help. Hey, it'll be an additional paycheck so I'm not too worried. Except that now I'll have an extra 3 hours a week to make up at work. Probly won't be a big deal.

Today I worked on our massive Help Desk FAQ, the usefulness of which is iffy at best. Honestly though, I don't really care. I've done enough work at minimum wage for these yahoos and it's time I got the heck out of here.

What can't I wait for? I can't wait to be able to decorate and clutter up my own cubicle. I can't wait to be able to listen to whatever radio station I want. I can't wait to have my own office chair. I can't wait to have a regular schedule that I can't deviate from. I can't wait to have benefits. I can't wait to be able to take masters level classes for free. And I can't wait to be a rockstar.

It's like summer outside right now! February isn't even over yet and the temperature is already up around 60F. The sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. I really wish that I had more free time, but really I don't know what to do with the free time I have so I'm not freakin' out too much. Right now I'm sucking on a Halls cough drop and starin' out the window. Good times.

I have no idea what I'm going to do for lunch. Maybe hit up Pacos Tacos. Maybe not. Who knows.



Lazy Lisping Lizards

I am a thief and a liar. I must come clean. I have in my posession, two, count 'em TWO, forks from the cafeteria. I feel so...evil!

Anyway, how are you doing? Yes, you. The one with the pony-tail (which really needs to be chopped off by the way).

After a full day of rest, I'm soooo ready to not be here anymore! I hate my IT job with a passion and really want my own little cubicle of love.

And I don't think I ever thought I'd say that. I want a cubicle all my own. Heh.

Alright, on with the news:

Clean teeth, anyone?

Love hippos? Join Hippolotofus!

Enough of that.

I'm sitting at my desk right now drinking herbal mint tea which, for some reason, is making my sore throat worse, not better. I had a decent breakfast this morning of bacon and eggs but now I have a stomach ache. I think it's because I took a bunch of vitamins on an almost empty stomach before I left for work this morning. We'll see if it clears up.

There doesn't seem to be much going on in the world right now.

Except this: Warren Beatty is apparently a sex fiend. Who knew? The National Enquirerererrreer. That's who.

And this. If that isn't the creepiest damn thing I've seen this morning, I haven't been awake long enough.

Those who I shared a birthday with:

Actor Kyle MacLachlan is 46.
Naturalist Steve Irwin ("The Crocodile Hunter") is 43.
Comedian Rachel Dratch ("Saturday Night Live") is 39.
Actress Jeri Ryan ("Boston Public," "Star Trek: Voyager") is 37.
Actress Drew Barrymore is 30.

This article is something that riles my blood. These so called "Christians" need to learn how to sell out to the man better. Awww, has the record label made you look like something you're not in order to make you a millionaire? Korn has put out 8 f'n albums and NOW this guy wants to quit. Hey, if ya wanna find Jesus, that's find by me. Go for it. But seriously, to pretend like you weren't waiting for the oportune moment that would allow you to not only escape looking riteous but also allow you to be rich, that's really low and kinda goes against the whole 'christian spirit' thing. In the article he basically calls the other guys in the band, immature imbeciles. I think the other guys should egg his car. I don't know why I care though, I hate korn.

I gotta go take a 10 and do some actual work. Hold the anchovies boys. I hate those things.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 

My brain is about to explode

So yeah, I finally called in sick today. And I'm really sick. My throat is sore, my head aches, and my limbs have turned to achy doom machines.

Here's a good place to start for the day.

There's really nothing going on right now. Tim and I are watching comedians tear shit up on Comedy Central, but other than that, there's nothing. I really wanna drink beer, smoke cigarettes and play darts. But that SOOOOO isn't gonna happen.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 

What drugs are you on?

So, Hunter S. Thompson died.

Sad? A little. Surprised? Not at all.

Some people have said that he's a literary hero. That he singlehandedly revamped the american lit scene. I completely disagree.

Thompson was little more than a drug addled schizophrenic gun nut who happened to enjoy holding a pen. His books are entertaining, but only because they probe the depths of human depravity in a way that no one could possibly survive. And yet Thompson did. He somehow survived for years and years, bucking all the trends in American journalism with indelible style and tenacity. From his first article until the day he shot himself in the head, he was a truly original character.

I can see how this so called 'gonzo' style of journalism could be considered revolutionary, but to call Thompson a hero because of he broke trends is something of a misnomer. He would walk into important meetings and give speeches high out of his mind and a certain segment of the population respected him for this. I however do not. Bucking authority is one thing, but I don't think that he should be revered for complete abandonment of all social graces.

So why dedicate an entire post to him and his carear? Because, though I disagree with his tactics, it must have taken some kind of skill to have published as much as he did. Even though most people my age have never heard of Thompson beyond the movie starring the (ever dreamy) Johnny Depp, I think that he should be honored for being the man he was: A crazy psycho with a deathwish that finally came true.

So, onward and upward to see who will take his place for our generation. Oh boy, I can hardly wait.




So I got the job. !!!!!

I was called up to the office at 4:55 this afternoon and offered the job. It was sweet.

Just thought y'all should know.



Birthday posts

I've been looking at different posts around the blogosphere thingy and here are some of my faves: (These only apply to posts done on February 22nd. If you visit the site after that date, I cannot help you.)

This one. Can't understand it, but the picture is great.

10 great reasons to FENCE! DO IT NOW!

A dog in Ireland has a blog. Someone will pay for this.

While full of emotional b.s., this blog is worth a read simply for its citing of a study on the effects of semen on depression levels in women. C'mon people! Let's get to the screwin' and end sadness forever!

Help THIS GUY win.


yeah, that last one was lame. I dunno what I was thinking.

Anyway, I was sick this morning and still am. I just wanna be at home sitting on the couch and watching 24 but I felt guilty about skipping. The reason? I'll tell you.

My boss emailed me and said, "You know *** (the person who will be doing the hiring for the department I applied for) stopped by on Friday afternoon. She wanted to tell you something."

I really wanted to know what she was talking about so I came in to work. I shouldn't have. I have a headache worse than anything right now and keep having to clear my throat. And I still haven't run into ***. GRAWR!

So there is nothing new to report. At all.

And here you are, your moment of zen.

Have a great day y'all!



Happy Birthday to ME!

It's my birthday. Today. 10:09am, February 22nd. I'm 25 today. A quarter century old. It's not really affecting me the way I thought it would. I don't really feel old therefore I figure that I'm not. Plenty of other people have survived this before.

Alright. So the party on Saturday was awesome. We started out for dinnner at the New Orleans but there was a band playing and they were going to charge a huge cover so we decided to eat on the run and head to the bar.

The guys went to the Owl and Thistle where Ahniwa and I kicked some ass at darts. Then we met up with the girls at The Fenix Underground. We danced to house music for a while then the girls wanted to go to Tiki Bob's for some hip-hop. We were going to go to Cowgirls Inc, but two of the girls were having shoe issues so we skipped out and headed off to Denny's.

Yesterday the girlfriend and I stayed here at the house and watched a movie. Then we had dinner with my mom and brother, then went to have dessert with her mom and sisters. Then we went out to Frankie's to play some pool. Then we came home and fell asleep.

We watched movies all day today because she came down with a cold. Between movies Ahniwa and I cleaned house. I straightened my room and cleaned the garage. And now that I'm sick, I'm goin to spend my birthday at home, sick, watching '24' and eating soup. woop!


Saturday, February 19, 2005 

Drooling uncontrolably

So there's this awesome deal in Seattle's Pioneer Square where one can buy a club pass and get into seven (7) clubs for $12.

The girlfriend's birthday was on the 15th and mine's the 22nd so today we're headed up to Seattle with a LARGE group of friends to have some fun. We're starting out at the New Orleans for dinner and then the guys are going to the Owl 'n Thistle to play some darts while the girls go do their thing. (Ahniwa, bring yer darts)

Anyway, then at about 10pm the party starts.

I'll post tomorrow and let y'all know how it goes.


Friday, February 18, 2005 

I have never been to this place

And have never heard anything about it.

Phone: (360) 412-5958

This restaurant is officially unendorsed by me and I can't vouch for the food, the service or the location.

Go at your own risk. Or don't. I don't care.



I'm gettin' hungry...

This is the funniest thing I've seen all morning!


How do I change the appearance of text and data?

Ok, I'm really getting sick of this, "Human's are naturally good!" b.s. We're definately not altruistic (in fact, I'd wager MOST of us are self-serving in everything we do) and we're not looking out for the greater good of humanity. It really pisses me off when people say things like, "If they would just talk, it would resolve everything!" Yeah, that's great. Assuming whoever 'they' are WILL talk. Most of the time, them won't. And they DEFINATELY won't listen to reason if anything's at stake.

It seems like humanity's default state is conflict (that's between Vermont and Main). In general, our ability to empathize with anything other than our pets is nil. We don't like to do it. So this idea that Communism, absolute peace, and the new Hardees Monster Thick Burger are actually achievable is something that I really don't agree with. Don't get me wrong, they're beautiful ideals. But that's all they are. The USSR didn't fail because Russians are greedy. It failed because PEOPLE are greedy.

And Hardees? Dude. I really want to try one of those burgers and give myself a heart attack. Damn.

Well, it's already been a LONG morning.Last night was crazy. The guys came over and we played cards for most of the night. The game really didn’t get rolling until about 10:30pm and since there were 6 of us there, it was hard to get anyone to really bid high. Finally, after 3 hours, there was some progress and Tim and I took out Adam, Ahniwa, Adrian, and then Joseph. Loads of fun!

Needless to say, some beers were consumed last night. My Beer to Sleep ratio is severely off right now. I’m drinking coffee but that’s just making me strung out. I’m kinda hopin that the bagel with cream cheese I’m eating will do the trick. We’ll see how it works.

I hate early Cheryl Crow. That song, “All I wanna do,” makes me wanna do a little homicidin’. But I’m really too tired right now. I need a nap.

So, now that I have all kinds of crazy tracking mechanisms all over my blog, I’m very excited to see where y’all come from. You cannot hide from me forever.

And Kevin. Listen man. I don’t care what your girlfriend says, that outfit makes you look like a lesbian.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 

Things your mom won't talk about

Seattle's Best coffee is horrible. It's BARELY on par with Jack in the Box and McDonald's coffees. Ahniwa sampled J in the B's coffee this morning and had this to say, "i had jack in the box coffee this morning. that sheit is useless."

I have the same thing to say about SBC's breakfast brew that the cafeteria serves here. The ONLY benefit that SBC carries is caffein. But since i've discovered the wonders of energy drinks, I may be giving up on bad coffee altogether. What I really want is an espresso machine.

This is how to make a Rainbow Bunny.

There are so many things out there that I just don't know about. For example a card game where you try to keep your bunnies alive while killing other players'.

Here's a website explaining the concept of humidity. I didn't read it and I suggest that you don't either. Just click on it for fun and then come back here.

Finally! There's a link between the Illuminati and Aliens!

And for all you paranoiacs out there we have this, this, and this.

On a completely different note, apparently I've only been getting paid minimum wage since September. I never noticed it before because I was making BANK from our International Programs department for teaching English. Now I'm not making anything at all. When I was hired on, they said $10 an hour. Because the budget is almost empty, I won't be getting any back pay and they can't give me a raise to what they hired me at.

AND this is my fault. Do YOU hate my boss? I do. I will never feel sorry for her overweight slacker ass again.

And now, a completely original poem that I composed at work:

I once knew a man as old as time
Who drank his tequila neat with a lime
He grew a goatee and went out to see
And was lost forever in brine.

He was rich beyond all reasonable reason
committed several acts of irresponsible treason
loved coffe and cake, lived on a lake
And hunted deer out of season.

I was saddened by the news that he was lost
his body out at sea by the waves it was tossed
but in his will, he left me the title and deed,
to his M series BMW roadster,
and that has made all the difference.

I really hope you are having a good day! I'll try to post again later this afternoon. Hang in there Danny. It'll be ok.



Dear <>

First off, if you haven't seen Spamusement, go now.

Now, onto business.

An update on the boss story:

Last weekend, he apologized for being an ass and everything's peachy now. I have since stopped feeling sorry vor the bi*ch and am now back to hating her overalls and baggy sweater wearing ass.

Just thought I'd keep y'all aprized.

Anyway, there's not much else going on in my life. I'm still waiting to hear back about the job and frusterated that I haven't heard yet. But hopefully by the end of the week...sooo...tomorrow.

Oh yeah! My birthday is next tuesday! There's a plan to have a party in Seattle on Saturday night, so if you're interested in crewin' it up with us up in big scary city, lemme know. Should be a hoot and a holla!

Damn dawg, it be break time! Back in a bit.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005 

Shameless marketing ploy

I should really make this blog less about me and more about women in lingerie. I think then, and only then, would this blog actually make me some money.

Or, of course, I could start the coolest webcomic ever. That is a toughie.

Yesterday was the girlfriend's birthday and it was also swing dancing. Had a great time and then she got drunk. She's on vacation through next Monday. Me? I still gotta work my ass off.

So do NONE of you guys like energy drinks?! or are you just scared of posting a comment?! You can do it annnonnnnnimmousely and I won't mind.

This morning I'm half awake. I have a cup of coffee, Seattle's Most Horrifically Bad, a bagel with cream cheese, and a donut. None of these things are helping my condition. I'm going to give the coffee another half hour before I start kicking some ass.

Today is one of those days where, for some reason, I really want to get mad at someone for no reason. I was sitting on the bus and this woman walked by with a very arogant air about her. She knocked into my leg and didn't apologize. Not only did I want to start yelling at her about her arrogance, but I wanted to strike her down like the horrible lab-dog of the devil she was. Some days you just can't win.

Hope everyone out there is having a better morning than I am!


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 

Something is missing...

In the document I'm typing up for my boss I accidentally misspelled a word.

I meant to type, "Right-click..." But instead I put "Reicht-click" and not only did Word not tell me something was wrong (if you're doing something hyphenated, Word will let you get away with murder), but my boss didn't catch it.

There is nothing worse in this world than an uneducated fool.

I got into an argument with some friends down at the bar a while ago about knowledge and if one must have training in order to tap into certain kinds of knowledge.

I argued that as far as most humans go, we do.

Some people have the ability to just jump into something and know what the hell they're doing. But they are the minority. For the most part people are pretty dumb and need lots of help and training.

Sometimes that doesn't even help. That is the case with my boss. She's not very well educated and this has hurt her. I know lots of other people who are not that well educated in the traditional sense and are doing just fine. I don't know him personally, but Noam Chomsky has no education in the field of Linguistics, but is considered an expert. And it was actualy Chomsky himself that started the bar conversation.

By making what are essentially educated guesses, somehow Chomsky has made his way into the upper echelons of academia. I think that on one hand it's a testament to his ability to think, but I don't think that it makes him a completely credible source. But my friends dissagreed. Oh well, c'est la vie.

But I'm still not relying on my boss for anything. Anything at all.



From the "Sucks to Be Me" file

I just bit my lip.



Modify your search

I must say that I'm heartily in support of the opinion that General Franco is still dead. And Nixon. I believe Nixon is dead as well.

I really wish I had more post-post-ironic music on my flash memory stick. I wanna be happier than a rainbow pissing bunny. Right now.




The day after Valentine's a always kind of a let-down. No more chocolates, no more roses, etc. But for some reason I still have a slight stomach ache from the Taco Bell. hmmmm...

Two sunny and cold days in a row. I'm not used to such incredible weather right around my birthday.

I found something out on the job front. Apparently the timeline they gave me was wrong and they're still doing interviews. That means that I won't know until Friday or something. Once more into the breach deer friends.


Monday, February 14, 2005 

Tripple bypass surgery

I have read a couple of rants about valentine's day already this morning and it's only just after 9:30am.

Now, granted I'm completely nutso over a girl so I'm sure nobody is going to take me seriously, but Valentine's day isn't one of my more favorite holidays. In fact I downright loathe it most of the time. I have no problem with the mass expression of love, even if it is a commercial venture. What I have a problem with is the expectation level on this ONE day of the year.

I do emotion-expressing things on a regular basis that no guy in their right mind would normally do (because it sets the bar so high right off the bat). For example: Last weekend I made vanilla/cinnamon/whip cream topped waffles piled into different shapes and then we sat on the couch and watched movies. The weekend before last we spent ALL DAY in bed, just reading to each other and drinking hot chocolate.

Now, I was able to come up with those things to do because I had all the time in the world to think about it, there was no pressure. I seriously don't need this holiday wasting my time and money. But you know what, this holiday isn't about me. It's about the ones we love. And if they want a flower/teddy bear/chocolate box, then so be it. Who am I to stand in the way?

I hope you enjoy the day anyway, despite all the happiness. And for those of you without significant others I have this to say, SUCKERS!!



I have, of course, need more.

Coffee. That life giving substance is what I speak of. And donuts. I have, of course, need more donuts.

Alright, well, I'm at work so I'm gonna get back to it. Hope y'all are havin' a kick-awesome day. Stay cool mi amigos.


Friday, February 11, 2005 

I was the midget in the background

"I carry vesuvius burst by killing migliaia and here I drink coffee. I have of course need it more."

The original sentence: "Mount Vesuvius erupted killing hundreds and here I am drinking coffee. Now I need more."

I love internet translation programs.


I don't feel lost in oblivion. I don't feel a crushing pressure to succeed. I don't know the answer to everything. I don't work as hard as I could. I put my pants on one leg at a time.

And you know what? I'm ok with this. Well, all of it except the pants thing. I'm desperately working to change that situation. But hey, at least I'm wearing pants, right?


So I'm going to divulge some secrets here that I definately shouldn't be typing out, but I can't keep this inside anymore. It's waaaayyyy too sad.

My boss has had this boyfriend for about a year and a half. He has always been concerned about the way she looks and has, on multiple occasions, mentioned the fact that she's breaking out or that she needs to lose some weight.

To make matters worse, he doesn't own up to his own shallowness. Instead, he says that he's concerned about her health. He tells her that he just wants her to be happy.

Anyway, day before yesterday she got an email from him that basically gave her six months to lose a LOT of weight or the relationship would be over. For some reason, my boss was crushed by this. She knew how he felt but she couldn't just dump him for being shallow.

When she started to divulge all of this to me, I wanted to smack her for being so stupid. There's definately something to be said for being in a bad relationship and not realizing that it's bad, but once you realize that you're better off without the person, why would you stay?!

Here's one answer: In order to exact revenge. My boss' new goal is to lose a LOT of weight, buff herself up to look like a barbie doll, then take him out for dinner and break up with him.


My first response to this is: BAD IDEA!

The first problem is that as soon as she starts to lose the weight, he's going to start complimenting her and he may actually try to save the relationship. Because she's succeptible to flattery, she would probably end up changing her mind and staying.

The second problem is that she would be breaking up with him to get back at him. This isn't healthy and she would probably end up gaining the weight back after the break up.

She would be better off, all the way around, by breaking up with him and then losing the weight herself, finding someone else, and never speaking to this prick again.

I have never felt sorry for my boss before. I do now.


I have a newfound addiction to energy drinks. So far the drink LOST is my favorite. I've tried Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar, none of which really cut the cough syrop taste / energy ratio very well.

If anyone has any suggestions on how else I can get amped up, please let me know.

It's nice knowing that I can go bonkers and still be getting 200% of my daily dose of Niacin which actually helps in the conversion of food to energy.


The internet is such a powerful tool. WHY MUST WE ABUSE IT?!



Militant Marching Marmosets

The interview went really really well yesterday! I will probably hear back from them early next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Have you ever had one of those days when you really don't want anyone to talk to you about anything and then everyone seems to want to bring all their personal shit to you at once? Well today is one of those days for me. I really want to laugh until I cry. I need to see something really f'n hilarious. If you know of a safe-for-work but still funny site, post it in the comments before 5pm PST. Thanks!

Anyway, I'm supposed to be looking through all of the school's AUPs and cross referencing them with a list of spring graduates...hold up.

A girl just walked by my office door wearing a pair of low riding sweatpants and a high riding thong. On the ass of the pants it read, "Fetch". How bizarre. Anyway, continue.

So I take the list of spring graduates and pull the AUPs. I put them in a separate file folder, label it, then I'm done.

I really want to see what happens when I leave this shit job. I want to see what happens to my boss when her main and only support is gone and she has to sort through this pile of papers on her own. Hopefully they'll give her a work study or something nice like that.


Thursday, February 10, 2005 

'sup, hot stuff?

Apparently I'm eye candy for the 40 something women on campus today. This is wierd.

Gonna go take a ten.



I got my mojo workin...

Yeah, so today is the job interview.

I'm wearin' a kickass new suit, getting all kinds of dubious compliments ala, "If I was 50 years younger, you'd be in trouble!"

I'm drinkin' too much coffee and kinda freakin' out in general.

But I think it'll go well. I'm rather well prepared and want the job more than I can say. I think it will come across more than any kind of incompetance. Not that I'm incompetant...

Yes, I know some of the stuff on the page is pink and the appropriate authorities have been notified. An ass-kicking will ensue if it doesn't change soon.

I'm also in the process of drawing a banner for the page.

The Tumblebus freelance work is going really well. I did a drawing, scanned it into the computer, went home and edited the thing, printed out a copy, and the guy loved it. So it looks like I'll be gettin' some cash by the end of Feb. for drawing! Woot! I'll post the sketches soon.

Anyway, that's about it. I hope you're all having a good day and not freakin' out like I am. Thank goodness I've got the support of soooo many people!


Tuesday, February 08, 2005 


Last spring my dad and I took a trip to Florence, Italy, and lately I've been feeling rather nostalgic about the experience. This is one of my favorite pictures from the time we spent there. This one was taken after a long day of museum hopping and wine drinking. I really want to go back. Soon.

My dad in Italy! Posted by Hello


Hello Sunshine! Posted by Hello



Theo asked me to give his blog a face-lift.
I think this template's pretty classy,
and left it mostly as-is, except for a few,
minor cosmetic details (they're where the devil hides).

Smack a custom banner on this baby, and we're GTG!
Thanks for watching another exciting episode of:

Pimp My Blog.

Yours 'til the Web falls off,

- Bava


I'm the one tellin' ya how it is.

A big shout-out to Bava for retrofitting my blog for me. Masta web builda!

So, it's a bright sunny day outside and I'm supposed to be at work. So what am I doing still in my pjs, updating my blog? Well, I've become thoroughly addicted to the second season of 24.

I started watching it this morning and have become so engrossed in it that I cannot stop watching. I called (read emailed) in sick to work. I'm ignoring my friends. I've become an incredible shut in and recluse. Woe is me!

Anyway, that's about it.

And Amy, if you're reading this still, I will call at some point. I haven't had enough time before 2am in the past few days.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005 

Puttin' the F.U. back in SNAFU

Amy, I will call you. Tonight.

So my boss is in a better mood today. Amazing. I had something like 6 work orders on my desk today. Actual work is cool. I really do like fixing computers. It's the other b.s. that's keepin' me

Had Russian class this morning. That was a lot of fun. I can understand the concepts VERY well. I can grasp all the grammar. It's that damned alphabet that's holdin' me

ANYway, if I have more to post I'll try to do it later. Salsa rocked and I get to go swing dancin' tonight. Cool beans.



So far today I've been blamed for:
1. Taking too many breaks (haven't taken a break in the last 2 work days)
2. Putting things in the storage closet the wrong way.
3. Not taking good enough notes
4. Not following instructions to the letter
5. Not working hard enough
6. Being forgetful
7. Not asking the right questions

And it's not even 3pm yet.

This is an example of me not paying attention to the nuances of the situation:

Step 1: Was sent an email by my boss giving me Work Order #1014. Check a hard drive in the Education department that was making a buzzing noise.

Step 2: I went up to the room and checked the computer. There was nothing I could do about it. I came back down but didn't know how to change a work order in our tracking program so I wanted to wait until my boss got back to get some help.

Step 3: My boss comes back into the office and tells me that I should have known how to update the work order.

Step 4: I try to find the work order, but it's not there.

Step 5: She then remembers that work order 1014 was deleted because it was a redundant entry for work order 1010 which had already been completed.

Step 6: Theo is blamed for not looking hard enough at the tracking program and figuring it out.

If any of you have worked with TrackIT! before you know that it's pretty damn intuitive but the possibility for doing something wrong is HUGE. It will never be that bad, but I'd rather not make any mistakes at all.

Apparently though, it's a mistake to err on the side of caution. Silly me.


Some Poor Schmuck

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