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Tuesday, February 15, 2005 

Something is missing...

In the document I'm typing up for my boss I accidentally misspelled a word.

I meant to type, "Right-click..." But instead I put "Reicht-click" and not only did Word not tell me something was wrong (if you're doing something hyphenated, Word will let you get away with murder), but my boss didn't catch it.

There is nothing worse in this world than an uneducated fool.

I got into an argument with some friends down at the bar a while ago about knowledge and if one must have training in order to tap into certain kinds of knowledge.

I argued that as far as most humans go, we do.

Some people have the ability to just jump into something and know what the hell they're doing. But they are the minority. For the most part people are pretty dumb and need lots of help and training.

Sometimes that doesn't even help. That is the case with my boss. She's not very well educated and this has hurt her. I know lots of other people who are not that well educated in the traditional sense and are doing just fine. I don't know him personally, but Noam Chomsky has no education in the field of Linguistics, but is considered an expert. And it was actualy Chomsky himself that started the bar conversation.

By making what are essentially educated guesses, somehow Chomsky has made his way into the upper echelons of academia. I think that on one hand it's a testament to his ability to think, but I don't think that it makes him a completely credible source. But my friends dissagreed. Oh well, c'est la vie.

But I'm still not relying on my boss for anything. Anything at all.


Some Poor Schmuck

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