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Friday, February 11, 2005 

I was the midget in the background

"I carry vesuvius burst by killing migliaia and here I drink coffee. I have of course need it more."

The original sentence: "Mount Vesuvius erupted killing hundreds and here I am drinking coffee. Now I need more."

I love internet translation programs.


I don't feel lost in oblivion. I don't feel a crushing pressure to succeed. I don't know the answer to everything. I don't work as hard as I could. I put my pants on one leg at a time.

And you know what? I'm ok with this. Well, all of it except the pants thing. I'm desperately working to change that situation. But hey, at least I'm wearing pants, right?


So I'm going to divulge some secrets here that I definately shouldn't be typing out, but I can't keep this inside anymore. It's waaaayyyy too sad.

My boss has had this boyfriend for about a year and a half. He has always been concerned about the way she looks and has, on multiple occasions, mentioned the fact that she's breaking out or that she needs to lose some weight.

To make matters worse, he doesn't own up to his own shallowness. Instead, he says that he's concerned about her health. He tells her that he just wants her to be happy.

Anyway, day before yesterday she got an email from him that basically gave her six months to lose a LOT of weight or the relationship would be over. For some reason, my boss was crushed by this. She knew how he felt but she couldn't just dump him for being shallow.

When she started to divulge all of this to me, I wanted to smack her for being so stupid. There's definately something to be said for being in a bad relationship and not realizing that it's bad, but once you realize that you're better off without the person, why would you stay?!

Here's one answer: In order to exact revenge. My boss' new goal is to lose a LOT of weight, buff herself up to look like a barbie doll, then take him out for dinner and break up with him.


My first response to this is: BAD IDEA!

The first problem is that as soon as she starts to lose the weight, he's going to start complimenting her and he may actually try to save the relationship. Because she's succeptible to flattery, she would probably end up changing her mind and staying.

The second problem is that she would be breaking up with him to get back at him. This isn't healthy and she would probably end up gaining the weight back after the break up.

She would be better off, all the way around, by breaking up with him and then losing the weight herself, finding someone else, and never speaking to this prick again.

I have never felt sorry for my boss before. I do now.


I have a newfound addiction to energy drinks. So far the drink LOST is my favorite. I've tried Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar, none of which really cut the cough syrop taste / energy ratio very well.

If anyone has any suggestions on how else I can get amped up, please let me know.

It's nice knowing that I can go bonkers and still be getting 200% of my daily dose of Niacin which actually helps in the conversion of food to energy.


The internet is such a powerful tool. WHY MUST WE ABUSE IT?!


Some Poor Schmuck

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