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Thursday, February 10, 2005 

I got my mojo workin...

Yeah, so today is the job interview.

I'm wearin' a kickass new suit, getting all kinds of dubious compliments ala, "If I was 50 years younger, you'd be in trouble!"

I'm drinkin' too much coffee and kinda freakin' out in general.

But I think it'll go well. I'm rather well prepared and want the job more than I can say. I think it will come across more than any kind of incompetance. Not that I'm incompetant...

Yes, I know some of the stuff on the page is pink and the appropriate authorities have been notified. An ass-kicking will ensue if it doesn't change soon.

I'm also in the process of drawing a banner for the page.

The Tumblebus freelance work is going really well. I did a drawing, scanned it into the computer, went home and edited the thing, printed out a copy, and the guy loved it. So it looks like I'll be gettin' some cash by the end of Feb. for drawing! Woot! I'll post the sketches soon.

Anyway, that's about it. I hope you're all having a good day and not freakin' out like I am. Thank goodness I've got the support of soooo many people!


Some Poor Schmuck

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