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Thursday, December 01, 2005 

The Salt of this Salty Earth

I'm slowly losing faith in all those things that people hold most deer.

This is not a true story.

I got an email inviting me to participate in the only Civil War re-enactment society that exists in Washington State. Since 0 minus 0 is 0, none of the battles were fought in Washington so what is there to re-enact? The whole damn thing. You see, these people spend a month each year re-enacting the ENTIRE Civil War. So I emailed the guy back and told him that I wasn't interested but I work at a SMALL university that may have students interested. I mentioned that I specifically work with international students, thinking that maybe the idea of a Chinese student showing up would dissuade this gentleman from propositioning me any longer.

It had the opposite affect.

The next email I recieved from Charlieswarreenactmentsocietyofwashingtonstate@Hotmail.com was a crazy (and by crazy I mean incomprehensible) string of garbage that mixed racially motivated bigotry with the stunning confession that he had been tortured by the Chinese special forces during an undercover mission to rescue a buddy of his right after Vietnam that went awry.

Needless to say he wanted nothing to do with our Chinese students. He did however suggest that we get a bunch of our Hawaiian students together because though Hawaii is one of our newest aquisitions (his word), they deserve a chance to participate in the re-enactment of this land's great history.

I wanted to needle this crazy bastard, so I sent him an email asking about the Japanese exchange students. They are studying American history right now and since they've covered the Civil War I suggested that they come and watch. Less than five minutes later I got an email about how the Japanese are in league with the Jews and the Italians to uncover the massive oil reserves in the arctic, thusly trying to control the world's next great oil supply.

How the hell does one respond to this? I didn't know so I just didn't email him back. There's no way that one can associate with an individual as crazy as that. No way.

On a completely unrelated note: My friend Adam told me that there was this guy who had his face ripped off by a crazy chimp while celebrating the birthday of a chimp he used to own. Adam doesn't lie.

On to today's theme! It's Do Not Wait to Enjoy the Benefits of this Offer Thursday! DNWTETBOTOT!

Seriously, if my doctor looked ANYTHING like this I would never go to the doctor again.

Ever been to Worcester? I haven't but really, with the advent and proliferation of the intarwebs, who needs to travel anymore?! Here, I'll be your tourguide. Here's downtown. Love it. Here's the cathedral. Not sure if it's in MA, but still, it's the cathedral. This picture says, "TODAY" but I don't think it is. I think it was last week. Or even last year. Dont' even ask. Ok. Tour's over.

Who couldn't use hedgehog supported gopher repellant?!

I want this guy to sell ME a house!

I'm now going to wish you a happy DNWTETBOTOT! TTYL!


Some Poor Schmuck

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