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Wednesday, November 30, 2005 

The Connundrum Continues Conquoring Conan

There is no snow today so it is officially .02% as awesome as yesterday.

The fact that I had to wake up, crawl out of bed, get ready and pay my car insurance this morning really didn't help today's rating either.

Today's comic took WAAYYY too much time to do. Was it worth it? Probably. It's the best coloring job I've done yet. But 4 hours? I dunno... I hope we win the F'n contest. Or at least get 3rd.

I need a full day at the women's spa. Just a day.

Today has been the day of overcompensating. Not the comic, but the three shots of espresso and the 20oz drip I've had already this morning. This 'giving up cigs' thing is slowly driving me crazy.

It still pisses me off that Ahniwa NEVER bitches about giving them up. He's just like, "Whoop, not smokin' no more!" and doesn't touch 'em. I feel like the bastard stepchild of Tammy Faye Baker.

In other news, something wierd happened yesterday then happened again today and it has me a little bit freaked out, as in dejavu.

Background: I always prepare my coffee the same way in the morning.

Here are the steps:

1. Ironically grab a 20oz cup.
2. Furiously empty two cream 'things' into the bottom of the cup.
3. Lugubriously tear 2 sugar packets open and pour.
4. Tragically fill the cup to top with Dark Roast.
5. Languidly smile.

So, for the last two mornings, between steps 3 and 4, I've had to fish BOTH sugar packets out of the cream sitting in the bottom of my cup because I've got butterfingers. You see, I open both sugar packets at once and for the first time in the three months of getting coffee from the cafeteria I have dropped the packets to their rich and creamy doom. It happened yesterday and it happened again this morning. That one thing made today feel like yesterday. I hate dejavu so early in the morning. That shit should be illegal until 3pm, at least.

My work study got a new computer. Somehow it's worse than mine. I dunno how that happened or where they got the parts, but it's a sack of horse manueur. <--on purpose typo.

I've been thinking for quite a while what drives me artistically. All artists must have something and to call myself the exception to this rule would be like saying Bava and Amos aren't the prince and princess of pies, respectively.

My 'thing' really is coffee. It used to be alcohol and cigarettes.

People say that drugs are bad, but in the words of Bill Mahr, "They haven't hurt my record collection!" I feel kinda like that about alcohol. I don't condone the use of substances to induce a creative state, but a little bit of wine or a martini really used to get my creative juices flowing and then I would mellow myself out with a smoke. Now that cigarettes are out, I'm gonna have to limit my drinking too.

This morning has been a carnival of pain. I went down to register my car this morning, finally, and because my brother had the car less than 7 years, they want to charge me 263 American dollars in sales tax. That's a LOT of money! But, a brother's gotta drive.

It's lunchtime. Theme of the day coming later.


Some Poor Schmuck

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