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Sunday, October 23, 2005 

Filter THIS!!

so, it's fuck-early in the morning and I get this email at my school email account. It was in Korean and at first I thought it was from one of my ESL students, but no. It was SPAM. Lordy, was it spam. hehe. check this out. Korean, a la Babelfish:
In hip gout/lumbago/disk shoes hyo one bedspread needle medical therapy In consequence of the fact that the tree toe just at one hip gout/the lumbago/initiation label/bedspread incontinence/frigidity/the hemorrhoids/the leucorrhea cung/physiology,/ Physiological impurity/bed-wetting/constipation/diarrhea/it prevents a large enteritis back thousands branch disease and the sickle there is a possibility The thing, to accept also anatomy knowledge without and be strenuous.

And this continues. Trust me, it gets better.

The bedspread needle researches vertebral elastic curve in dissection of a human body school register and it makes, it talks again, human body engineering With as the tree toe screen which it made it learns the method lower part well and if it writes steadily and the waist bone crosses each other, The possibility of closing the thing only it will be the bay it knows, the possibility catching rightly that the waist bone is already crossing each other, Will be

Whoah...I mean, seriously. WTF?!

Our love it falls poverty and with disease U it lives from the inside which puts The warm sun and it wants in these people. With warm sun inside U the poverty which wanders from the inside which puts and with disease pain the neighborhood where it receives One which invites, when we will not do and there does not have to be a possibility the who doing Will know well. Love the family which falls all it supplicates a health and a peace and it finishes.

That's the end. Sorry.

What I don't understand is this: Isn't spam supposed to be advertising? What is this advertising? First of all, it's sent to an American and it's in Korean. So if I wanted to know what it was about, I would have to translate it. THEN, when translated, it's complete nonsense. What the hell is this advertising? There were no images and no links. I don't get it. F'n Korean spam man.

I'm going to bed because it's early. Ugh.

oh yeah, and I posted a sunday strip. HERE!!!!


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