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Tuesday, November 15, 2005 

This is a Multiple Unit Address Please Provide a Building number

Gather 'round boys and girls. I've got a story to tell.

One day, a man named Algore invented the internet. It was for all the children of the world. It was an incredible time for the world because suddenly someone living in Queens, NY, could do a report on a place like, say, Botswana, and include actual pictures taken by locals in their report. It was amazing.

Now, one important thing about computers is that they speak in 1s and 0s, not words like you and me. Their language is almost a complete secret! But there is code that lets us name our computers. DNS. What does DNS do? It translates www.whatever.com into a specific number, held only by that site.

How Algore knew so much about DNS and IP addresses when dude can barely add, is a mystery for the ages. What we do know is that a non-profit controls assignment of DNS. This non-profit group is based in the U.S.

So who cares? Well, China, Iran, Syria, Lebanon. All the countries that HATE us because we have no content controls. Now, I know it's popular to hate the U.S., but seriously folks, we really don't have much control over what people put up on the web. I mean hell, look at the limits China put on blogs. If anyone complains about the U.S. and content control, tell them to take a hike.

Anyway, right now, in Tunisia, of all places, a little conference on 'The Internet' is taking place. Up for discussion is DNS and whether or not it should be 'controlled by' the U.S. NPR had a horrible article on this whole thing this morning, but I'm not gonna link to it because it's horrible.

Boogah boogah!


Unfortunately, with a title like that, you only get one picture.

But here's a gopher offering up advice.

It's like a really f'd up fortune cookie.

It's so tempting to just look at Technorati and start posting about their top ten searches...I want hits, but not that badly. For kicks I'll offer up this: Dawn Yang. We'll see.

Have a REALLY happy GSAJT! I know the gopher will.


Some Poor Schmuck

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