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Wednesday, November 02, 2005 


There really is nothing like a wednesday.

This is what one of my favorite childhood books, Penrod, by Booth Tarkington, has to say about Wednesdays:
It was usually upon Wednesday that his sufferings culminated; the nervous strength accumulated during the holiday hours at the end of the week would carry him through Monday and Tuesday; but by Wednesday it seemed ultimately proven that the next Saturday actually never was coming, "this time", and the strained spirit gave way.

I've never really gotten the hang of Wednesdays. They always seem too long, too important, too prissy, too...bleh.

Here's a serene picture for you. By the way, it's Bovine Wednesday. Happy COW day.

I need my car to be 'pimped', but I myself do not want to be a 'pimp'. I seriously wonder how that word became part of our everyday lexicon. Seriously. I was at THE PARTY STORE
*dance music plays in background*
and there was a mom getting a cane with a diamond on the top and she was telling her 7-10 year old son that he was going as a pimp. She was thought it was hilarious and her son was like, "COOL!"

now, I don't know if he knows what a pimp is, he probably just thinks that it's a guy with a girlfriend, but the truth of the matter is that even if he has an inkling it's one of two options: a) a man who bosses around a woman or b) a man who has a lot of money and spends it on luxury items.

I find this amusing because on the one hand, we want to elimate the aspects of society that lead to prostitution and therefore 'pimpery', but on the other, it's become incredibly popular to have a 'pimped out' car or be a 'pimp' in the sense of having more than one girl hanging on your arm. That second definition bothers me because it isn't quite accurate. It obfuscates the true meaning of the word.

This leads me to my overall point: The English language is dumbing itself down to the point that we will eventually have only one word at our disposal when we leave the halls of academia. That word is: 'Pimp'.

It will be a no-ve-adj-pred and will mean...everything. Mark my words langui-philes, it's coming.

As for the word 'Pimp', I think that the 'blinging' version of the word should be changed to 'tsar', as in: I'm gonna tsar out my car, y0! and in the other sense (multiple girlfriends) it's should be Sultan (as in, sultans have harems...). "Dude's got like 8 ladies, he's a total sultan, y0!"

If you're gonna use English, have fun. And remember, Jesus doesn't care if you swear. Dude spoke Hebrew for cryin' out lound. And God...he's probly still speakin' Aramaic. l4m3!

Anyway, Hope your wednesday is going well. Keep up the good work.


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