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Tuesday, June 07, 2005 

Smash stuff. Go on, do it. You know you want to.

So this morning I caught up on the debate over a documentary that is being released on the subject of webcomics.

I'm a huge fan of web comics. Huge. I love them, for the most part, but there are a LOT OF THEM that I simply can't read. I think it's great that anyone can say anything in any way they want to, but seriously, you're only gonna get readers/make money, if you do something that is palatable to a huge group. You MUST be funny, interesting, poignant, and at least a reasonably good artist in order to survive.

Here's my rant though: IF YOU DRAW COMICS/KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT WEB DESIGN, YOU'RE AN F'N NERD!!! I am. I know this, and if someone wants to mock me for it, then let them! I can deal with it. The fact that people are saying PA was mean to Cat Garza is ludicrous. He's a huge boy with a goatee and and a 'fro. If he's comfortable with how he looks, then he'd laugh it off.

Unfortunately the 'fringers' of society have always taken themselves too seriously. Nobody is actively shitting on web comics. It's just not happening. That's because nobody cares yet. I love comics but my feeling about it is that comics should be done because to not draw would mean death and not because you feel the world owes you something for your talent. If I don't have the money nor the desire, I shouldn't have to pay for that kind of entertainment.

S*P did something unprecidented by asking for donations but strictly saying that if you didn't feel his comic was worth it, don't worry, he wouldn't make it subscription based. THAT is progressive in my eyes. Subscription based comics lead to elitism and are JUST as bad as syndication.

The point is, the web is open so do with it what you want. If you make ANYTHING online subscription based, I'm not going there anymore. I love PA, but I'm not gonna pay to read it.

more later, on some other topic.


Some Poor Schmuck

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