And the list keeps growing!
Stupid people really piss me off.
In this blog post on Huffington's website (that I referenced earlier) there's an argument defending Howard Dean.
For those of you who don't know, Howard Dean made a few comments that really should have embarrassed him. But they didn't. Suddenly, the Democratic party middle of the roaders and less "activisty" (yes, I made up a word) liberals began to distance themselves from him. Apparently not everyone thinks he was wrong.
Insinuating that Republicans are stupid is not new. Jann Wenner said this:
Mr. Wenner, I can only imagine, feels that it is his duty to enlighten the masses. How condescending is that? Well, I think that it's time he look at the Democratic ideology on the issue at hand and realize that the Confederate flag is about state's rights and less federal government rather than just 'working class'. Both of these are things that make the Dems go crazy. Don't get me wrong, I think that with the history it has, the Confederate flag being flown by anyone is a sign of ignorance, but saying that these people are lock-steppers with Republican rhetoric is ignorant.
As far as Mr. Dean's comments about who the Republicans are, I think these people would have something to say:
The Republican Jewish commission
The African American Republican Leadership Council
The Log Cabin Republicans
Granted, these groups don't make up the majority of Republicans, BUT THEY AREN'T THE MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS EITHER!!! Do you want to see who the democrats are? Check THIS out. Whoa, an old white guy. Hmmmm...
This idea that the Democratic party can save minorities is just as ignorant as saying that the Republicans are trying to kill them. And any time a Democrat says that they are the best party for the working class, they are instantly separating "us" and "them". Maybe that's why so many people crossed party lines at the election, leaving Dems scratching their heads.
Dean's comments don't help the situation at all. In fact, it creates outsiders of all working class Republican entrepreneurs, let alone working class cubicle dwellers.
For those of you who care, I consider myself a conservative libertarian. I'm completely agnostic, verging on atheist. I don't own a gun and never will, but that doesn't mean that I think other people should have their guns taken away. My favorite political shirt said,
If you don't find that at least slightly amusing, you're taking me waaayyy too seriously.
In this blog post on Huffington's website (that I referenced earlier) there's an argument defending Howard Dean.
For those of you who don't know, Howard Dean made a few comments that really should have embarrassed him. But they didn't. Suddenly, the Democratic party middle of the roaders and less "activisty" (yes, I made up a word) liberals began to distance themselves from him. Apparently not everyone thinks he was wrong.
Insinuating that Republicans are stupid is not new. Jann Wenner said this:
The party elite jumped on Dean when he said white guys who drive pickup trucks with Confederate flags should be voting Democrat because voting Republican was against their own interests. But Dean was right. We were letting Bush and company fool these good folk, and we turned our backs on a voting bloc that helped cost us the election.
Mr. Wenner, I can only imagine, feels that it is his duty to enlighten the masses. How condescending is that? Well, I think that it's time he look at the Democratic ideology on the issue at hand and realize that the Confederate flag is about state's rights and less federal government rather than just 'working class'. Both of these are things that make the Dems go crazy. Don't get me wrong, I think that with the history it has, the Confederate flag being flown by anyone is a sign of ignorance, but saying that these people are lock-steppers with Republican rhetoric is ignorant.
As far as Mr. Dean's comments about who the Republicans are, I think these people would have something to say:
The Republican Jewish commission
The African American Republican Leadership Council
The Log Cabin Republicans
Granted, these groups don't make up the majority of Republicans, BUT THEY AREN'T THE MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS EITHER!!! Do you want to see who the democrats are? Check THIS out. Whoa, an old white guy. Hmmmm...
This idea that the Democratic party can save minorities is just as ignorant as saying that the Republicans are trying to kill them. And any time a Democrat says that they are the best party for the working class, they are instantly separating "us" and "them". Maybe that's why so many people crossed party lines at the election, leaving Dems scratching their heads.
Dean's comments don't help the situation at all. In fact, it creates outsiders of all working class Republican entrepreneurs, let alone working class cubicle dwellers.
For those of you who care, I consider myself a conservative libertarian. I'm completely agnostic, verging on atheist. I don't own a gun and never will, but that doesn't mean that I think other people should have their guns taken away. My favorite political shirt said,
If guns kill people, then spoons made Michael Moore fat.
If you don't find that at least slightly amusing, you're taking me waaayyy too seriously.
I'm going to find a way to use the word "activisty" in a sentence today.
Well, tomorrow.
Posted by
Karla |
10:33 AM
I love making up words when they describe something that surrounds us every day. Seriously, I live in Olympia, WA and I have never heard anyone say 'activisty' before! (or activistish)
And yeah, that's why I posted the link to that picture. Dean was describing himself. Vermont itself is 96.8% white. The census bureau doesn't have anything on religion but I'm sure it's not far behind as far as the total percentage of Christians.
Posted by
C.George |
4:07 PM