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Monday, January 31, 2005 

Giving the Gifts of Love and Socks

Nothing says, "I WUV U!" like a cool pair of argyle socks.

Last weekend rocked. Hard-Core. I checked out a digital projector from school and yesterday (Sunday) we watched all three extended special edition LOTR films. I bought the ingredients and we made pizza, drank beer and generally caroused. Good times. The girlfriend not only stuck around for the whole thing, but I think she had a good time! That chick is hot AND really f'n cool. Boy did I luck out!

But now it's monday. And monday's don't rawk at all.

I've been bitching about my boss way too much lately. I really wish there were other things in my life that were causing me stress/excitement, but that's pretty much it. I got my paycheck today and it sucked. Horribly. It was a LOT less than I had been expecting. I need to get my pay stub to see why though. What a thing to wake up to.

But in general everything's good. I don't wanna be at work right now, but hey, who does, right?

Me: It's a good thing Shakira's so hot or I may have mistaken her for a no talent hack.
Ahniwa: hahahahahahahaha

So salsa lessons start tonight. I really hope that everything goes well. I'm going to try and get off from Kumon a bit early today so I can make it down to the community center on time. Dunno how that'll work though. I just don't wanna be late for the first lesson, y'know?

Alright, I should stop goofing off and actually try to get something done. Like filing. And drinking more coffee. Sometimes I think that's the only thing that keeps me going. That and the love of a beautiful woman. And Brittney Spears tunes on the radio. Oh, wait, no. Those make me wanna shoot myself. At least it's not god-rock though. That was seriously getting under my skin.


It's the one year anniversary of my boss's grandmother passing away. When I came into the office today she was putting some yellow daffodils in a vase and wearing a BRIGHT red sweatshirt (those two things having been her grandmother's favorites). Out of the blue she started telling me about their relationship.

Now I'm not an insensitive guy. I'll listen, I'll sypathise, maybe even empathise a little. But seriously, I couldn't care less in this case. I get the feeling that no matter what my boss says about anything, if she's crying, they're crocodile tears. Dutifully, I turned around in my chair and listened to her moan on and on about things, and then, at the end of the story, she turned it into a joke about how she's gained a lot of weight since then. hahahahahaha!

You just can't have any sympathy for an egotistical bitch. This girl wants everyone to feel sorry for her. If I ever complain, I'm usually just psyching myself up to the point where I can fix shit or ask someone for help. With my boss, she just wants everyone to take pity on her. I'm sooo not wasting my pity on her. There are way too many starving children in Africa (or so I hear) for that.

The job only lasts for another two months so there's not much more to bear. If I'm not already a full-blown alcoholic, I'm sure I will be. It'll be a miracle if I make it out of this office alive.


Our current list of awesome things to say when you're drunk:

1. Tumblebus
2. Monkey Bucket/Monkey Bunker
3. Globular Hob-Goblin Hemogloben

It's a short list as of yet, but I'll keep you updated.

Yeah, the coffee makes a LOT of things better. Unfortunately we only have Seattle's Worst, but that early in the morning, before my taste buds are functioning, I'd rather it be shit.

hehe, chumbawumba. Good one!

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