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Wednesday, May 18, 2005 

Wiggly World of Wunder

Someone did a search for "best indian ass" on Yahooooozle! and my blog came up. Damn I'm hot. But what's better is that yahoo said,

"Did you mean: Best Indiana's?" What? No! I meant BEST INDIAN ASS DAMMIT!

What's even wierder than that is that whoever searched for this subject matter actually clicked on my blog. It's a blog. There is nothing remotely 'assish' or 'indian' about it. Except now I've used the words several times so I'm sure my blog will come up in the top 10 if you search for it now. Oh man.

Double Entendre

So I made breakfast this morning, didn't get to finish it, and ended up taking it to work. Hash browns, baked beans, eggs and pancakes don't look so appetizing when all mixed together in some tupperware.

So today is the anniversary of the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's here in WAAAA. It happend the year I was born, but about three months afterward. This blog is a tool that I must use for goods and not evils so I will provide you with a memorial look at exploding things:

THIS is an incomprehensibly large picture of Helens. GO MONKEY GO!

A much smaller picture is located here.

And here's a complimentary picture of Wanda Young.

Cause I'm a Fujiyama Mama and I'm just about to blow my top
And when I start erupting ain't nobody gonna make me stop.
--Fujiyama Mama, Wanda Jackson (1957)

yeah baby.

and here is just some random image. Damn.

This morning is shaping up to be not much fun at all. But I'm sure I'll deal. I've got lists to make and stuff to do so I'm a gonna take my leave now. Y'all take care now.



So everysooften I google my name. I have never come up with anything interesting. Until today.

Apparently I make exclusive eyewear.

I do leadership training.

I'm an unemployed superhero.

I'm also a female rockstar. Who knew?!

Theo Kogan, singer of the legendary NYC all-girl punk band Lunachicks, has recreated herself as a solo artist and is ready to share her new songs with the world. Theo’s new music is just as powerful as ever, but now it’s bolstered with flavors of new wave, metal, and catchy pop. During her time with Lunachicks, Theo lived the full-on rock ‘n’ roll dream — playing sold-out shows around the globe and touring with bands like Marilyn Manson, No Doubt, The Offspring, Rancid, and NOFX.

I'm a danish artist.

I'm a saxaphone composer.

YOU can become a memeber of CLUB THEO right now! Include your mailing address and you get a certificate!

And, my favorite, I'm the star of a PBS show:
Theo is proud, expansive, and regal in demeanor, if just a bit scruffy in appearance, and he has a deep, masterful voice perfect for storytelling or settling disputes between literary characters. Theo has a zestful—indeed, ravenous—love for books, both the "wholes" (stories, biographies, plays, periodicals, poems, ballads), and the "parts" (individual words, letters, phonemes, characters, illustrations, punctuation marks—even page numbers).

I find it amusing that my blog pops up nowhere on the list.


And there's even more:

A google image search came up with some fun stuff.



Some Poor Schmuck

  • I'm a llama
  • From Outer Mongolia
  • Genious.
  • And THIS is my comic
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