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Wednesday, September 22, 2004 


So I'm sitting here at my desk, bored out of my mind, and I shouldn't be. There's too much stuff to get done and yet I just can't bring myself to do it.

I think there's a flea in my sock. I hate fleas.

Sugar high's are amazing. I feel ALIVE!

There, that flea is dead.

There's a dead rose on my desk. Over the last week I've watched this thing go from the picture of health to a shriveled image of its former self. Sad how all things must pass. Even roses.

So Ahniwa and I had lunch at Happy Teriyaki (as opposed to the sad kind) and at lunch we discussed, surprise surprise, girls. It's amazing really what other people notice and you just don't pick up on. He said that he and a friend had been disucssing the fact that they hang out with some beautiful people and that these people get hit on all the time. The problem with this is that these beautiful people don't seem to notice that it's happening to them.

The upshot of this is that I was insulted that Ahniwa would call me unobservant and I sicked my ninjas in training on him. They're forcing him to do data entry every afternoon until his arms fall off.

Ok, that last paragraph was a lie.

The truth is that I am completely blind when it comes to girls. A girl would have to hit me over the head with a 2x4 (a large piece of wood, for all you Frenchies) and drag me back to her cave in order to get me to notice that she's flirting with me. And all that 'boyish charm' I seem to exude is really just a cover for the fact that girls still scare the living hell out of me. I don't understand them and I don't think I ever will.

There's a line from the John Cusack film, High Fidelity, where he states that as pre-teens, girls have something we want but we don't know what it is or why. I can say that as I've grown up I've found out exactly what it is I want, but I still don't know why. I think maybe this is what pisses girls off about us, in general. Girls are looking for an intimate connection (at least some of them are) and to a guy it's just two people gettin' REALLY close together. Hmmm...

Anyway, High Fidelity is full of good quotes. For example, a dating situation in high school arises and he says, "It was as if breasts were little pieces of property anexed by the opposite sex, and we wanted them back." hehe

Scrampbamboodleoodlenoodlescroodledoodle tee hee treedledeewhome?

I really wish this Jason Lester's computer would just fix itself.

Me: ITS help desk, how can I help you?
Lady on the phone (LOTP): I can't save. it says the disk is full.
Me: Have you tried putting a new disk in?
LOTP: No. I'm trying to save it to the network.
Me: Oh. Well then have you tried cleaning out your My Documents folder on the server?
LOTP: I cleaned out as much as I could over the summer and now it's telling me it's full again.
Me: How much space does it say you're using?
LOTP: 389MB.
Me: Good GOD lady! What are you doing? Downloading PORN?!
LOTP: Don't speak to me that way young man!
Me: Listen Lady On The Phone, I control your goddam computer and therefore your life. If I want you to only have 389MB of storage space, that's what you get. Why don't you just save it to your department folder?
LOTP: But then I'd have to look in three different places to find anything!
Me: Once again, HOW IS THIS MY PROBLEM?! YOU are the one saving the dinosaur sized files of doom!
LOTP: You know what, you're right. I think you just convinced me that it is all my fault and that I cannot continue to be this much of a bitch. Thank you for helping me see the light.
Me: Just doing my job ma'am.

(This conversation has been edited for fun and profit -ed)

So there's nothing else to report. Ahniwa and I are going to see "Rozenzcrantzs and Gildensturn Be Dead, y0!" at the local theatre. Should be all kinds of kickass.

Hope you all have an incredible THURSDAY (day of the monkey! WHOO!)!

--TA ta

Some Poor Schmuck

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