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Wednesday, September 15, 2004 

Chillin' like a villain'

So I've given up on my superhero quest. Nobody, and I do mean nobody, believed me.

My boss left for a week today at noon. She had to get her nails done before she took off. I guess that if I can take a 10 minute smoke break every 4 hours it stands to reason that she gets 1.5 hour lunches and afternoons off to get her nails done.

I paid $5 for a small bowl of chicken soup for lunch. Like my roommate said, "It's no $5 milkshake." Anybody catch the reference? I did. But then again, I consider myself clevererest of the monkies.

Spelling is no issue for me.

neither is grammar.

I should start doing drugs.

And yoga.

I think I need to become more centered.

Oh, and I need to learn how to play the guitar.

I'd like a porsche too.

I have this horrible crick in my neck today. I can't turn my head to the left. It's amazing what this does though. I end up turning to face everybody I talk to and it has actually changed the way people respond to me.

Damn, before work is over I need to fill out my time card.

I really think that someone should write a user's manual for the phone on my desk that isn't in japanese. I have no idea how to transfer people so I basically just give them an extension and tell them to call that number.

Me: I'm sorry, I can't really help you but here's the extension number!

Woman on the phone (WOTP): Well...can't you just transfer me?

Me: What? Hell no! Do you know how complicated that is?

WOTP: You do work with computers, right?

Me: Hey woman on the phone, checking IP addresses, installing motherboards and troubleshooting a network is CHILDSPLAY compared to the red leds and grey buttons of my phone.

WOTP: You know what, you're right. I'm sorry to have called and bothered you, stressing you out beyond all reason with my completely ridiculous request.

Me: Damn straight you are. Bye.

(Parts of the conversation were edited for fun and profit)

So where was I...Oh yes, it's been raining for the last two days. Now I do live in the beautiful pacific northwest so some rain is normal. But the torrential downpours that have hit us over the last few days have been horrible for me. I hate the rain (until it's not there anymore) and I'm being reminded with every single wet sock that I have to wash how much I miss France.

There's something to be said for having the perfect mate. I don't know what that is, but I'm absolutely sure that I'd have something to say if I had.

I really like the word aerosol.


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