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Tuesday, June 14, 2005 

Call to confirm

So last night at the bar some friends and I were talking about all the stuff that I posted about on my blog yesterday. It was a really spectacular conversation but, as in every one of these arguments, it comes down to how we each view the world. Especially on when children become decision making adults. My point of view is that I wouldn't want my kids trying to emancipate (or otherwise free) themselves from me because I had punished them for not doing their chores. Yes, I'm an evil human being.

If you're gonna be stupid, do it big.

So the job is still pretty hectic. I'm here all the time now and since we're getting down to the last few weeks before our first group of students arrive, everything's getting intense.

Other than that I've been playing darts. And listening to NPR. I don't really like NPR because, and I really wish that people would just admit it, it's really biased to the left. Now, I have no problem with that, at all. It's their right to do with their broadcasts as they please. But I'm sick and tired of hearing about how they give both sides equal representation when they are severely anti-Republican and very anti-war.

I totally understand why. They are, in a large part, funded by the government and many republicans don't like that fact. So, with republicans trying to cut their funding, OF COURSE they're gonna be biased.

As far as the war is concerned, if people die, NPR is gonna be against it. If people are hurt, NPR is against it. If people are stupid, NPR is going to feel sorry for them. They're one big human interest story. Take it as such, and you'll never be disappointed.

There's a big Eagle Scout reunion banquet happening this saturday and I'm giving the main address. Still have no CLUE what I'm gonna say. I started writing out something but got two pages into it and had to stop because it wasy way too hoaky. But maybe that's what they want.

Honestly though, when I was a scout the troop was awesome. As I started to get older and new boys signed up, their parents started to take more and more control until the trips they take are more for the adults than for the kids. Personally I think that's wrong. I believe that for Scouting to work as a program for young boys, it needs to develop certain skills: Leadership, trust, and outdoor skills.

If the parents are too involved in their experience, the boys don't get the experience and they don't grow up. That's what I see in the troop now.

I wouldn't give up my scouting experience for anything. I went around the world, helped start one of the first scout troops in Russia, hiked 50 miles of the grand canyon, explored the canadian wilderness twice, hike the entire washington section of of the pacific crest trail and created friendships with other guys my age whom I will forever trust with my life. Worthwhile experience? You bet.

But that's not the same thing that the other boys in my old troop are getting. They are being sent around the world by parents who want to live vicariously through their kids. That's almost as bad as forcing your kid to play sports when they wear really thick glasses and can't run. Boys won't grow up if you take all control away from them. The situation is ridiculous.

But I can't go off on that in my speech because it's a reunion and I doubt anyone would apeciate it. Especially the parents. That's another thing that bugs me. Long after their kids left the troop, there are adults still associated with it because they feel they have more to contribute. My feeling is: When your kids are done with scouting, you should be too. Let other parents fill in the gaps.

I gotta run. Check back tomorrow.


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