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Thursday, February 17, 2005 

Things your mom won't talk about

Seattle's Best coffee is horrible. It's BARELY on par with Jack in the Box and McDonald's coffees. Ahniwa sampled J in the B's coffee this morning and had this to say, "i had jack in the box coffee this morning. that sheit is useless."

I have the same thing to say about SBC's breakfast brew that the cafeteria serves here. The ONLY benefit that SBC carries is caffein. But since i've discovered the wonders of energy drinks, I may be giving up on bad coffee altogether. What I really want is an espresso machine.

This is how to make a Rainbow Bunny.

There are so many things out there that I just don't know about. For example a card game where you try to keep your bunnies alive while killing other players'.

Here's a website explaining the concept of humidity. I didn't read it and I suggest that you don't either. Just click on it for fun and then come back here.

Finally! There's a link between the Illuminati and Aliens!

And for all you paranoiacs out there we have this, this, and this.

On a completely different note, apparently I've only been getting paid minimum wage since September. I never noticed it before because I was making BANK from our International Programs department for teaching English. Now I'm not making anything at all. When I was hired on, they said $10 an hour. Because the budget is almost empty, I won't be getting any back pay and they can't give me a raise to what they hired me at.

AND this is my fault. Do YOU hate my boss? I do. I will never feel sorry for her overweight slacker ass again.

And now, a completely original poem that I composed at work:

I once knew a man as old as time
Who drank his tequila neat with a lime
He grew a goatee and went out to see
And was lost forever in brine.

He was rich beyond all reasonable reason
committed several acts of irresponsible treason
loved coffe and cake, lived on a lake
And hunted deer out of season.

I was saddened by the news that he was lost
his body out at sea by the waves it was tossed
but in his will, he left me the title and deed,
to his M series BMW roadster,
and that has made all the difference.

I really hope you are having a good day! I'll try to post again later this afternoon. Hang in there Danny. It'll be ok.


I find Seattles Best to be only marginally better than starbucks, but I could be thinking of Cinnabon.

Cinnabon could serve just about anything and it would taste delicious. What they lack in coffee they make up for in spades with Cinnabon gooiness!

You're right though, I definately prefere SBC to Starbucks.

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