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Wednesday, February 16, 2005 

Shameless marketing ploy

I should really make this blog less about me and more about women in lingerie. I think then, and only then, would this blog actually make me some money.

Or, of course, I could start the coolest webcomic ever. That is a toughie.

Yesterday was the girlfriend's birthday and it was also swing dancing. Had a great time and then she got drunk. She's on vacation through next Monday. Me? I still gotta work my ass off.

So do NONE of you guys like energy drinks?! or are you just scared of posting a comment?! You can do it annnonnnnnimmousely and I won't mind.

This morning I'm half awake. I have a cup of coffee, Seattle's Most Horrifically Bad, a bagel with cream cheese, and a donut. None of these things are helping my condition. I'm going to give the coffee another half hour before I start kicking some ass.

Today is one of those days where, for some reason, I really want to get mad at someone for no reason. I was sitting on the bus and this woman walked by with a very arogant air about her. She knocked into my leg and didn't apologize. Not only did I want to start yelling at her about her arrogance, but I wanted to strike her down like the horrible lab-dog of the devil she was. Some days you just can't win.

Hope everyone out there is having a better morning than I am!


No me gusta energy drink.

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