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Thursday, July 22, 2004 

Struggles of the ultra-modern pseudo-post-modernist existentialist with red hair and no bangs...btw, that's not me.

I just want to say, "hootspah," just to miss spell it. glehg.

At my computer desk right now there's my laptop sitting to my right with my Canon bubblejet printer ON TOP of it and to my left there lies the portion of a bannana that only starving children in Africa would want...and maybe that big guy who hangs out in front of vita looking hungry.  In fact, yeah, him too.  Definately.

There's a lot of stuff going on in the world right now but who has time to comment on it?!  not I!

Well, there is one thing...I cannot believe that a francophone studies grad with no credentials, no certification in anything and a stylin' badass haircut could get a tech job for a college.  I don't actually have the job yet, but as of monday, it's in the bag baby!

One thing I have yet to compose mad props for is the Gin and Tonic.  The glories of this svelt drink are beyond words, but hey, that's the medium so I gotta try.  I went to The Mark the other day because, hey, when you're feelin' swanky, you gotta step out.  At this bar with low light and lucious 'tenders, I ordered a G & T.  Now, most of the bars in ******* are rather bad at making this easier than fuck drink but even with the house gin and house tonic the drink was perfect.  The ratio of alcohol to bubbly stuff was incredibly right on.  It went down soooo very smooth yet still provided quite a kick to the back of the throat.  That quinine taste that comes with the tonic was what did it though.  I nearly passed out after my first sip.  Of course, it didn't help that my favorite barista at my cafe got a job at this happenin' locale for the young and metro-sexual.  Later I found out that she had "fucked up" the first one and so this was a shot and a half in a smaller glass.  I tell you what.  So, I guess this isn't so much in support of the Gin and Tonic as much as it is in support the the beautiful women who serve them.  And hey, the gay bartender andy gets props too.  He's got the kind of haircut that would make most guys shoot themselves.  But he lives on.  Good on ya mate.

Anyway, life's a bitch and bitchin' hard, I've been on the wagon for 3 hours now and it's time to hit the hay.  Goodnight memphis, goodnight tokyo and honey, please leave the porch light on.  You know I can't find my way home if the place is dark.

--peace out.

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