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Saturday, July 24, 2004 

Hey, you look interesting! Take off your shirt and pull up a chair.

So there's no news on the homefront, which is good because if there was I'd probly just not post for a few days and then never talk about what you missed.

The world keeps on spinning aparently, and not around me!  Good god, what a fool I've been!

So I went to Lake Cushman today.  Good times.  I swam, I sunned.  I'm now burned to a bright, red, glow in the dark crispy wafer type object who just wants a hamburger and to be put to bed.  What oh what happened to my teddy bears?!  Damn if I don't need a hug in the worst way right now...

Yeah, so hanging out in S**tt** was fun!  I was there last night to see a concert put on by the local classical station but when A**** and I arrived at the place there wasn't much of a concert really, just speakers that didn't make enough noise to be heard over the audience talking on the grass.  After about an hour we just gave up and went to a bar.  It was fun to just talk for a while with someone who respects what I have to say but will still argue against it.  I got back at 4am.  I'm a tired, tired, and sunburned, monkey.

oh, and Ahniwa, hell yeah, if you can set up the page we'd be in business and that would rock!  I could probly even re-incarnate my incarnations of Tic-Tac and Gex.

Snog.  All the fucking time.  C'mon, you know you want to!

The sun's setting and you know what that means.  You do know don't you?  Ok, well it's time to have a coconut cream popsicle and try hard as hell to stay in a place where it's cooler that 98 degrees.  I believe this means sitting in my basement watching movies.  Oh yeah, that'll be hard.

So there you have it.  I'll talk more later.

Peace out, y0.

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