Talkin' smack 'bout yo mama!
Wiggly Ass Shaking brings you to my blog.
Last week was a coffee and coke driven mess.
The first group of exchange students from China came on Monday so that day was kinda relaxed, except that I had to call and confirm all of our host families for that day. The next day I had to do the host family orientation and our second group, from Japan, arrived. The orientation went well and the students really enjoyed getting to meet the families. Afterward I got to play pool with the students. They really enjoyed that.
Wednesday I got to go to the orientation for the Japanese group and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out the host family situation. All the while I was running around doing little tasks for the department. In the late afternoon I went bowling with the Chinese group.
Thursday was wet and wild. The students got to go out with their host families that evening so I spent the day getting everything ready for it. By evening I was exhausted but since the guys wanted to go play laser tag so I figured what the hell, and went. It was fun but I was too tired and my senses were all f'd up.
Friday was better. I wore jeans to work and just kinda cut loose. Had a lot more fun.
On saturday I went to a wedding. I didn't know the couple and, honestly, I was dragged by the g/f. I'm really not a fan of weddings at all. They don't make sense to me and all I can think is, "why would they do this?" during the whole ceremony. I don't know, maybe there's something wrong with me but I can't figure out why people need to get married at all. To 'catch' someone? I think they should want to stay all on their own.
Anyway, ranting aside, I got a frantic phone call from my boss on Saturday saying that she was entertaining faculty and a group we thought had canceled was coming in Sunday afternoon. Someone needed to plan for the bus, hotel, and food. I borrowed the lovely g/f's car and ran to work to get things done. And boy did I do them. 45 mins later I had everything arranged and set up for the group. Damn I'm good.
Later that evening the g/f and I bought a bottle of reisling and went out to the beach to sit and watch the sunset. What a lovely evening.
On sunday morning I had a meeting at 10am. It went really well and we were able to plan out the entire stay for the group that had just shown up. My job was done by noon so i drove back to the house to clean up.
The g/f and I cleaned for about a couple hours and then I took off for darts in Seattle. I got all the way up there, but as I was pulling into my parking spot, I noticed that my radio spontaneously shut off. The oddness of that kinda freaked me out. I shot horrible and finally sobered up around midnight. I got out to my car and it started just fine. I sighed with relief and got out onto the freeway. As I was crossing the bridge over Lake Washington my lights dimmed and the car started to die. I quickly turned off the headlights but kept the running lights on. That let the car power up a little bit so I headed for the Mercer exit. I made it up onto Fairview then took a right onto Aloha. I found a parking spot and then the car died. Completely. I think it was the alternator but honestly, I don't have any idea.
So Ahniwa came and picked me up. At 1:30am. What a guy. I went to bed at about 3am and woke up at 6:30am for another 12 hour day. I got home last night and should have crashed, but didn't. I played video games until about 11pm. Then went to bed.
Now I'm at work and trying to focus. It's not working. I have to go up to Seattle today to pick up my car. I'm headed up at 11:30. Hopefully it won't be too expensive to fix. We'll see.
Last week was a coffee and coke driven mess.
The first group of exchange students from China came on Monday so that day was kinda relaxed, except that I had to call and confirm all of our host families for that day. The next day I had to do the host family orientation and our second group, from Japan, arrived. The orientation went well and the students really enjoyed getting to meet the families. Afterward I got to play pool with the students. They really enjoyed that.
Wednesday I got to go to the orientation for the Japanese group and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out the host family situation. All the while I was running around doing little tasks for the department. In the late afternoon I went bowling with the Chinese group.
Thursday was wet and wild. The students got to go out with their host families that evening so I spent the day getting everything ready for it. By evening I was exhausted but since the guys wanted to go play laser tag so I figured what the hell, and went. It was fun but I was too tired and my senses were all f'd up.
Friday was better. I wore jeans to work and just kinda cut loose. Had a lot more fun.
On saturday I went to a wedding. I didn't know the couple and, honestly, I was dragged by the g/f. I'm really not a fan of weddings at all. They don't make sense to me and all I can think is, "why would they do this?" during the whole ceremony. I don't know, maybe there's something wrong with me but I can't figure out why people need to get married at all. To 'catch' someone? I think they should want to stay all on their own.
Anyway, ranting aside, I got a frantic phone call from my boss on Saturday saying that she was entertaining faculty and a group we thought had canceled was coming in Sunday afternoon. Someone needed to plan for the bus, hotel, and food. I borrowed the lovely g/f's car and ran to work to get things done. And boy did I do them. 45 mins later I had everything arranged and set up for the group. Damn I'm good.
Later that evening the g/f and I bought a bottle of reisling and went out to the beach to sit and watch the sunset. What a lovely evening.
On sunday morning I had a meeting at 10am. It went really well and we were able to plan out the entire stay for the group that had just shown up. My job was done by noon so i drove back to the house to clean up.
The g/f and I cleaned for about a couple hours and then I took off for darts in Seattle. I got all the way up there, but as I was pulling into my parking spot, I noticed that my radio spontaneously shut off. The oddness of that kinda freaked me out. I shot horrible and finally sobered up around midnight. I got out to my car and it started just fine. I sighed with relief and got out onto the freeway. As I was crossing the bridge over Lake Washington my lights dimmed and the car started to die. I quickly turned off the headlights but kept the running lights on. That let the car power up a little bit so I headed for the Mercer exit. I made it up onto Fairview then took a right onto Aloha. I found a parking spot and then the car died. Completely. I think it was the alternator but honestly, I don't have any idea.
So Ahniwa came and picked me up. At 1:30am. What a guy. I went to bed at about 3am and woke up at 6:30am for another 12 hour day. I got home last night and should have crashed, but didn't. I played video games until about 11pm. Then went to bed.
Now I'm at work and trying to focus. It's not working. I have to go up to Seattle today to pick up my car. I'm headed up at 11:30. Hopefully it won't be too expensive to fix. We'll see.
The alternator on my car died once awhile back, and the symptoms were identical to what you're describing. Only I was out in the boonies of Ohio and the closest phone was at the house of this inbred bumpkin football player guy I went to high school with. His parents were scarier than he was, if that's even possible.
Posted by
euc |
1:05 PM